Employee #34F12B just needs to do his Job at LaserFun Inc., but apparently he is too good for it. Somehow his Monitor got broken and thus his objective got much harder because his screen is KAPUTT.
LEFT Mouseclick = drag Objects
RIGT Mouseclick = rotate Objects
To pause the Game press SPACE!
Hint: You can rotate more precicely if you move the mouse away
"Lasersplinter" was made in one Week for the PULS GAME Jam with the theme "Kaputt" by gabl18, sir_lordmike and Leo. You can check out our Pygame Gamejam Game The Perfect Drink. :D
This was our first complete Godot Game. It consists of 8 Levels and implementing Sounds and Music gave us a hedache.
Thanks for playing, hope you have fun!
Third Party Credits:
Music: music-loop-bundle Sketchbook 2024-07-03 by Abstraction
Sound Effects: pixabay and 8-bit-sfx-pack (more detailed in the in-game Credits)
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Amazing game! Made an account just to comment. Great work, would play again!!!